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Senator says 'no' to impeachment

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Following Congressman Dennis Kucinich calls for impeachment of President George W. Bush, The Real News Network’s Sam Husseini

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asks Sen. Byron Dorgan, (D) N. Dakota, if he supports the impeachment proceedings. Dorgan replies that the Senate is too busy with more important issues, that if Bush is impeached Cheney becomes President, and that he doesn’t support impeachment because this administration will be gone in a few months anyway.

Story Transcript

VOICE OF ZAA NKWETA, PRESENTER: Following Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s bid to impeach President Bush last week, The Real News Network’s Sam Husseini had the opportunity to put forward the issue of impeachment to Senator Byron Dorgan from North Dakota.

SAM HUSSEINI (VOICEOVER): Rep. Kucinich introduced 35 articles of impeachment. What’s your reaction to that? Do you agree with Congressman Kucinich that Bush did lie his way into the Iraq war or do you not think that that’s the case?

BYRON DORGAN, US SENATOR (D-ND): Well, let me say, speaking as a senator, we have so many challenges and so much difficulty to deal with in our country—war, an economy that’s in great difficulty, energy problems that are serious, health care—I don’t believe that the United States Senate would take up a similar resolution. And the House, the congressman had the right to offer it, as I understand it, but I don’t believe the Senate would take up a similar resolution.

HUSSEINI: Mr. Kucinich and others would contend, what more important issue could there possibly be than your pledge, he’s pledged, you’re all pledged to uphold the Constitution, if there’s been a major violation?

DORGAN: Look, I understand. I understand his point is the result of a successful attempt by Mr. Kucinich would make Vice President Dick Cheney the president of the United States. I don’t think there’s much appetite for that in the Senate.

HUSSEINI: You’re well aware that he submitted that three months ago, impeachment of Dick Cheney, and that was similarly buried.

DORGAN: Yeah, but I’m simply describing what would have happened had he been successful. Look, this administration will be gone from Washington, DC, in a matter of months, and we’ll have a new administration. I think this administration should be accountable for all of that which it has done. That’s why I believe we ought to continue to hold hearings to find out that which we don’t know about this administration. So it’s been a very secretive administration with respect to wiretapping and a range of other issues. And it’s important for us to hold those hearings and understand what has happened. I do not support an impeachment resolution, and I do not believe the Senate would ever seriously consider one at this point.

HUSSEINI: But is that a political calculation on your part? Or is that an upholding of your—.

DORGAN: It’s just a calculation that we have a lot of other things to be doing at this point. This administration will be gone soon. And I don’t believe that there’s an appetite or an interest in the Senate to pursue that.


Please note that TRNN transcripts are typed from a recording of the program; The Real News Network cannot guarantee their complete accuracy.

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