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NYT reveals that a tech mogul likes China—and that McCarthyism is alive and well

This story originally appeared in FAIR on Aug. 17, 2023. It is shared here with permission under a Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license.

“A Global Web of Chinese Propaganda Leads to a US Tech Mogul,” theNew York Times(8/5/23) announced on its front page. “TheTimesunraveled a financial network that stretches from Chicago to Shanghai and uses American nonprofits to push Chinese talking points worldwide,” read the subhead.

This ostensibly major scoop ran more than 3,000 words and painted a picture of multimillionaire socialist Neville Roy Singham and the activist groups he funds as shady agents of Chinese propaganda. The piece even referenced the Foreign Agents Registration Act, noting that “none of Mr. Singham’s nonprofits have registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act,as is required of groups that seek to influence public opinion on behalf of foreign powers.”

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So it should come as no surprise that the piece has led to a call for a federal investigation into those Singham-funded nonprofits. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) sent aletterto the Justice Department citing theTimesarticle and arguing that the groups, including the antiwar organization Code Pink and the socialist think tank Tricontinental, “have been receiving direction from the CCP [Chinese Communist Party].” Rubio concluded, “The CCP is our greatest adversary, and we cannot allow it to abuse our open system to promote its malign influence any longer.”

‘A socialist benefactor of far-left causes’

But what, exactly, did theTimesdig up on Singham and his funded groups? Despite its length, the piece provides no evidence that either the philanthropist himself or the groups he funds are doing anything improper. Instead, the reams of evidence it offers seem to show only that Singham has a pro-China tilt and funds groups that do as well, while the paper repeatedly insinuates that Singham and his associates are secretly Chinese foot soldiers.

The article begins by describing a “street brawl” that “broke out among mostly ethnic Chinese demonstrators” in London in 2019. TheTimessays “witnesses” blame the incident on a group, No Cold War, that receives funding from Singham and allegedly “attacked activists supporting the democracy movement in Hong Kong.” FAIR could find no reporting substantiating this version of events, but, true or not, it serves to introduce Singham’s world as both anti-democratic and thuggish.

It quickly adds duplicitous and possibly treasonous to that picture. “On the surface,” theTimeswrites, No Cold War is a collective of American and British activists “who say the West’s rhetoric against China has distracted from issues like climate change and racial injustice.” But theTimesis here to pull back the curtain:

It all sounds quite illicit, with the lavish funding, the propaganda-pushing and the hiding amidst tangles of shell companies. (TheTimesuses the word “propaganda” 13 times in its piece, including in the headline.) And this sort of language, which insinuates but never demonstrates wrongdoing, permeates the length of the piece to such a degree that it’s hard to narrow down the examples. For instance, when it reports Singham’s categorical denial that he follows instructions from any foreign government or party, and acts only on his “long-held personal views,” the paper immediately retorts:

TheTimesaccuses Singham of funding news sites around the world that do things like intersperse “articles about land rights withpraise for Xi Jinping” or sprinkle “its coverage with Chinese government talking points” or offer “soft coverage of China.” It accuses the groups Singham funds of “sharing one another’s content on social media hundreds of times,” and “interview[ing] one another’s representatives without disclosing their ties.”

A seditious notebook

The article concludes as it began, with a scene meant to cast Singham in a nefarious light:

In other words: Communist!

If you think China is evil and Communists are the devil—as you might, if you read US corporate news media (,5/15/20,4/8/21)—this sounds like important reporting on a dangerous man. The trouble is, there’s nothing illegal about any of this. All theTimessucceeds in proving in this article is that Singham puts considerable money, amassed by selling a software company, toward causes that promote positive views of China and are critical of hawkish anti-China foreign policy, which is his right as a US citizen. If you were to replace “China” in this tale with “Ukraine,” it’s hard to imagine theTimesassigning a single reporter to the story, let alone putting it on the front page.

But, as Singham is boosting a country vilified rather than lionized in US news media, theTimesappears to be doing its best to convey the impression that there’s something deeply problematic about it all. Perhaps the clearest signal of theTimes‘ underlying message comes at this moment in the article:

The article names many organizations and individuals as being associated in some way with Singham. It even names attendees at his wedding—described as being “also a working event”—includingDemocracy Now!host Amy Goodman, Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and V, author ofThe Vagina Monologues. All of these “allies” are implicated by association as soldiers fighting China’s cold war against the US, “foreign influencers,” Trojan horses of Chinese propaganda—no evidence needed other than the company they keep.

It’s a picture, in short, of treason lurking among the “far left.”

‘Propaganda trick’

Indeed,manyon the left, including thosetargeted, haveaccusedtheTimesof McCarthyism. It’s worth remembering the history of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Enacted in 1938 to address Nazi propaganda, it has in fact rarely been used—no doubt in part because it’s difficult to square with the constitutional right to petition the government and the right to free speech. But it was used in the McCarthy era, most famously totargetW.E.B. Du Bois and hisPeace Information Center.

The PIC, a US anti-nuclear group, was connected with international peace movements and published anti-nuclear and pacifist literature from around the world, including the international Stockholm anti-nuclear petition. The Justice Department deemed this a Communist threat to national security and a “propaganda trick,” and indicted Du Bois and four other PIC officers for failing to register as foreign agents. The charges were dismissed by a judge, but they caused the PIC to fold.

Du Bois later wrote (In Battle for Peace,1952):

This was abetted by credulous news media coverage at the time (Duke Law Journal,2/20). TheNew York Herald Tribune(2/11/51) editorialized that the

Government use of FARA ramped up again in the wake of accusations of Russian interference in the 2016 elections, but it has primarily been used to target antiwar and international solidarity groups—including the recent indictments of Black liberation activists (Nation,4/25/23).

Regarding Singham and his “allies,” theTimesreported that the FARA “usually applies to groups taking money or orders from foreign governments. Legal experts said Mr. Singham’s network was an unusual case.”

It is certainly unusual in the sense that it’s hard to construe it as a FARA case. It’s not unusual, unfortunately, in the sense that US news media are prone to engage in character assassination of those who sympathize with official enemies.

Research assistance: Brandon Warner

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