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Greek Left Platform Creates New Popular Unity Party

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The new Popular Unity Party will hold up the “NO” Referendum, honor the Anti-Austerity wishes of the people, stop privatization, break up the banking system, build a new economy and exit the Eurozone.

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Story Transcript

SHARMINI PERIES, EXEC. PRODUCER, TRNN: Welcome to the Real News Network. I’m Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore.

On the heels of the resignation of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of the radical left Syriza party in Greece, a new party has emerged, called Laiki Enotita in Greek and Popular Unity in English, headed by former energy minister Panagiotis Lafazanis, along with 25 other Syriza MPs who walked away from the Syriza party and joined the new party, according to the local press. The Popular Unity party will be contesting in the next general election, scheduled to be held on September 20.

At a press conference in Athens this morning Mr. Lafazanis emphasized that the new party plans to represent the expressed views of those who voted no in the July 5 referendum, and those who said no to austerity in the January 25 election that elected the Syriza party with 149 seats.

In a statement issued by Stathis Kouvelakis, a member of the new party and former member of the Central Committee of Syriza, the new party Popular Unity will fight austerity, the new Troika rules in the latest memorandum, and they plan to take strategic control of the economy back by breaking up the banking system, stopping privatization, and rebuilding the economy by immediate interruption of the repayment of the loans, which will give them more resources to rebuild the economy with. The statement emphasized that all of this was not possible within the eurozone, so a major point of the new party is to exit the eurozone.

For more analysis on the constitutionality of these developments, watch our interview we did with Dimitri Lascaris where he weighs in on Alexis Tsipras’ calculation to hold another general election on September 20.

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