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Washington Post concludes that Israeli soldier killed Shireen Abu Akleh—building pressure on US government

This story originally appeared in Mondoweiss on June 12, 2022. It is shared here with permission.

The Washington Post today published an investigation of the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh a month ago and it concludes just what the AP, CNN, and Bellingcat investigations found, and that eyewitnesses said on May 11: An Israeli soldier likely killed Abu Akleh in the occupied territories.

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The Post openly disputes the shifting Israeli “claims” about who killed Abu Akleh, and all but accuses the Israeli army of withholding evidence that its soldier killed her. The lengthy investigation will add pressure on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to actually demand an independent investigation and accountability. It will put Joe Biden on the hot seat with journalists when he visits Israel later this month (and surely embraces the prime minister and defense minister and foreign minister).

The Post cites interviews with “multiple eyewitnesses” and reviews of numerous videos and two independent analyses of audio/ballistic evidence to reach the exact same conclusion as CNN: that the gunman was about 600 feet away from Abu Akleh in Jenin, just where the Israeli convoy was that morning.

The Post specifically disputes the Israeli claims:

Reporters Sarah Cahlan, Meg Kelly and Steve Hendrix grant authority in their story to Ali al-Samoudi, the producer for Al Jazeera who was also shot by the soldier and who was coordinating his every movement with Abu Akleh that morning.

So the Israeli army story is falling apart before our eyes.

The Post publishes a statement from the Israeli army that it “will continue to responsibly investigate the incident, in order to get to the truth of this tragic event.” But again the Israeli Defense Forces insist that they must have the bullet to reach a conclusion, and the Palestinian Authority has refused to turn it over.

This is horsefeathers, because the Israeli army obviously knows right now that its soldier killed Abu Akleh and it has a ton of its own evidence it’s not showing anyone.

Notice how the Post says that the Israeli army is holding out that evidence– video from drones and body cameras. And notice how the Post questions the Israeli army conclusion that no Israeli soldier deliberately targeted Abu Akleh.

The Post’s analysis of the gunshots is precisely what CNN’s was, as to the distance of the shooter.

This is great news because it suggests that the press is not going to abandon Shireen Abu Akleh in death. It also puts a lot of pressure on the New York Times, our leading newspaper, to stand up for Shireen Abu Akleh. And it gives political capital to the 57 Congresspeople who have demanded an independent investigation of the killing.

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