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Review: Glenn Greenwald, No Place To Hide: Edward Snowden, The NSA and The U.S. Surveillance State, Metropolitan Books, 2014

By Danny Schechter

“Political language… is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” George Orwell

Oh, George

We need you now,

more than ever, ever

to help us wade through

new words of war by wankers

high on high tech

& fudged perceptions

in a security bubble of insecurity

We need help, George,

penetrating acronyms

of government gone wild

of spies & lies

and the madness

of the overtly clever

and covertly maniacal

Hey, Hey, NSA

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How many emails did you ‘process’ today?

How many calls did you convert

into acres of unread metadata

stored somewhere in Utah

until the big roundup

that’s coming soon

Hey, Hey, NSA, why do you play

with code names

coined with a clear intent

to maim

and restrain?

So lame.

Listen to the words,

hear the music

played and sung

in the shadow factories

of Maryland, My Maryland

What a web you weave when

first you practice to deceive

again and again

Lets find, fry

and demystify the

alphabet of outrage

Oh George, help us understand

the art of ‘collecting it all,’

an anal chock full of nuts down

to the very last drop

Yum, what fun


There’s nothing fair about FAIRVIEW or tasty About STORMBREW

in the world of the CYPTO ENABLED

and heartless BLACK HEARTS

All in the domain of our

Alexander The Great,

Superspy extraordinaire who

Loved to sneak undercover into

hackers conventions

in cool T Shirts

and then play at

Cyber war in his own war room

Get ready boys for a new

cyber-kinetic shock and awe

or just plain awful

depending on yr pt of view

Can you say Stuxnet in Farsi?

I can!

The uniformed boys with toys

defending the fort at Meade have

A sense of humor,

building a command module

based on a design, ha ha ha,

Inspired by Star Trek

Beam Me Up, Scotty,

up into my own stratosphere

To look down on We, The Suckers of America,

whose more perfect union

has led to a world of:



Magnetic Emanations

Mineralized Collections

On Raster-based Computer screens

Image on o’ Ship of State

navigating among GENIES,



All plugged into the FIVE EYES


before them,

defending us against THREATS

we are not even cleared

to know about

Redact this O’NSA

Who came up with SOUTHWINDS


in the sinews of a surveillance

soup turned into

a machine

with no OFF switch

George. Help Me Understand this secret language:

“(TS/SI,REL FVEY) If the S2 QFD Review Panel elects to ask

for a HOMING PIGEON to be made persistent, its natural home

would be Incorporation into FAST SCOPE.”)

Of course! I couldn’t put it better myself

Thank you Ed and Glenn

And Laura too

for this TOP SECRET lesson

in how to target US persons

and everyone else

in that mad pursuit

pioneered by Ahab

so many whales ago

to know us better

than we know ourselves,

and keep us down

on the server farm of forever.

Thank you FISA for blessing

the marriage of agency and company


all invented words, can

join the now encrypted fondue

before it all shows up

in a selfie on FACEBOOK,

in my file, and your file

and the files of trillions

of the unsuspecting.

As we indict five guys in

China for doing what we do,

As the world looks on

amazed at the chutzpah

Of it all

At the hubris of a mission

All legal of course,

With a secret court

To say so,

and say it again

Neatly divided into an apartheid

of protected ‘US Persons and

the rest of the globe

where we presume the right

to monitor Facebook

fans in Brazil and Chancellors in

Germany in a haze of

anti-terrorist rationales

that terrorize us all.

O’ say do we see?


We see it all Acknowledge

Hear It all

Yes Sir,

Know nothing

Nothing at all

Please accept our privacy

pledge before we invade


Repeat after me: ACCEPT and


You have no choice

In this home of the brave

Land of the free, click!

George, your “pure wind”

is back

witthout a hack

but a vengeance

signaling its time

to disrupt the disruptors

before they


what’s left

the little that is left

of our small d’



A glass to Snowden in Russia

Glenn in Brazil

Laura in Berlin

And, of course, to

the prophetic Mr. Orwell, who

warned us all,


and again

that fiction would



Because we couldn’t

make this up

even if we wanted

to. Only a comedy

channel can do it justice

even if it’s not funny.

Our cause is now more

than probable.

News Dissector Danny Schechter edits and blogs at, He is now producing a series of documentaries on the American Surveillance State (ASS). Comments to

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